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Mt. Helena Retreat Centre

The Facilities

The Retreat Centre is located in Perth Hills, on a 21-acre property in a bush setting in a secluded location.

The Retreat complex consists of main meeting hall, a study, dining hall, and kitchen with deep veranda all round. There are trails around the property boundary.

The Accommodation

There are four accommodation chalets currently available for hire, for up to 23 persons. Most rooms are single beds, shared kitchenette/living room, showers and toilet. You will need to bring a torch, sheets, pillowcases, sleeping bags or blankets, especially in winter.


The Experience

This is a place to find peace of mind, and discover inner wellness. It is somewhere to rediscover the magic of life and find meaning, connection and purpose. It is a wellness haven maintained by healthy boundaries. These boundaries restrict guests from bringing anywhere on the property: cigarettes, drugs, non-vegeta-rian food, and alcohol, also please no pets.


What we provide

A first-aid box is located in the main kitchen, along with a torch and candles for emergencies, but recommend that you advise your guests to bring torches.

There is a fire pit at the rear of the kitchen, and firewood is provided, but please check with the Manager before lighting a fire, as fire restrictions and conditions apply during the summer months.

Have you decided?


Thank you for choosing to stay at our Mount Helena Learning and Retreat Centre. Please confirm the availability on your chosen dates for your booking with the Theosophical Society Volunteer Staff and Contact. Each booking requires prior approval and needs to be agreed well ahead.


Contact Us

Theosophical Society in Perth Inc., 21 Glendower St., Perth W.A.

Phone: (08) 9328 8104 Email:


Available for group hire


Mt. Helena Art

Few examples of the artwork produced at some of the Art Retreats

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